Client Stories

Mitchelstown Lawn Tennis Club

Established in 1892, Mitchelstown Lawn Tennis Club is a non-profit tennis club in North Cork. Since 2019 Community Finance Ireland has provided financial support to undertake much needed capital works, most notably the construction of a new accessible and sustainable clubhouse.

The new facilities provide a scalable platform to offer affordable and inclusive tennis-based services for the local community, regardless of age or ability.


Undertaking such large capital works projects was daunting for a club of our size and inexperience. It was only possible with the guidance of everyone at CFI, who kept us on a financially sustainable path. This careful governance resulted in truly transformational outcomes for the club and wider community. Nothing is impossible with CFI’s support – we are the proof!

Michael Rea
Mitchelstown Lawn Tennis Club

Dogs for the Disabled

Established is 2007 by Jennifer Dowler, its CEO, Dogs for the Disabled is a charity that trains assistance dogs for children with walking difficulties and adult wheelchair users. Its unique service relies entirely on the goodwill of its partners and its volunteers. The team had been years searching for their forever home and when an 11.5 acre site with an existing 3,000 sq. foot property presented itself Community Finance Ireland were able to step in and help make their dream a reality.


Without the phenomenal support and guidance from CFI this purchase would have remained a dream! We will be forever grateful to CFI for offering us the support when we needed it the most. The added bonus was everyone we met through CFI was so kind, helpful and professional. Thank you to all at CFI for the miracles you help create.

Jennifer Dowler
CEO & Founder,
Dogs for the Disabled